The Bull Me Not News and all who contribute to this MEDIA platform or Media Publication DO FOLLOW a STRICT CODE OF WORK ETHICS that INCLUDE:
The Gathering of Facts that are already Circulating through the INTERNET mainstream,
Safe, Well Mannered and Healthy Discussions and Debates of Topics,
Along with Respect and Honor.
No one at The Bull Me Not News will ever stoop to invasion of a Celebrities, Public Figure or a person of Interest Private Life. All who Contribute to the Bull Me Not News Platform strictly stay to the gathering of (already Circulating through the INTERNET) FACTS that include material found on Social Medias and Internet Platforms.
There are even strict GUIDELINES to the Contribution factor, in which all material gathered is combed through before being brought to the attention of the Public.
No one at the Bull Me Not News is allowed to Physically Stalk or Harass any Celebrity, Public Figure or Media Influencer on their Own Pages, Website or Platforms of Work. AND IF ANYONE IS COMMITING THESE SUCH ACTS UNDER THE BULL ME NOT NEWS LOGO OR BADGE, WE DO ASK THAT THOES IN QUESTION OF THE ACT BRING THE CONTENT TO OUR ATTENTION, SO THAT WE MAY RESOLVE THE ISSUE.